Domestic violence: Try Jesus, Not Him!
Boys are not just the most common perpetrators of violence, but also the most common victims. According to studies, boys are beaten more than girls during childhood, and as a result, they grow up believing that men are violent. “The proportion of deaths that are due to non-medical reasons (accidents, violence, poisoning, homicides, or suicides) is higher among men (12%) than women (8%). This peaks at ages 15-29 years for both men and women, reaching a high of half of all deaths for men of age 20-29 years,”(Ganesh). This quote contributes to the fact that there is a line of communication cut regarding the treatment of boys/men in violent cases. Domestic violence is synonymous with women; I wonder how men deal domestic violence and how often this abuse is reported to the authorities? ( To start off, statistics play a major role in deciphering whether a statement is considered true or false. Such research exposes the as...